Speaking of which, I was just wandering through the bookshelves and bumped into a signed print by Teri S. Wood, which I purchased some years ago, when I first fell in love with her Wandering Star comic. Back in those pre-internet days it wasn't always easy to get a hold of what you were looking for, so though I really enjoyed the book I wasn't able to keep up with it completely. Seeing the signed print made me remember that, so I googled Teri S. Wood and found, of course, that she has a site. There's some terrific stuff there. One of my favorite stuffs was the DC try out page, which features Teri's take on Swamp Thing and Batman. Go ahead, have a look . . . it's free, for Chrissakes. Here's the address: http://www.geocities.com/johnnorthey/TSW/TeriOther/TryOuts/TryOuts.html . Isn't that cute in the best sense of the word? There's an energy and a joie de vivre there, which is rare . . . and refreshing. A true song of innocence. And if you liked those pages enough to want more of Teri S. Wood, the good news is that you can now buy the entire Wandering Star saga for a mere pittance--$12 (which includes shipping, handling, and an autograph) on CD. That's over 400 pages of story. If you can't resist, go to http://www.teriwood.com/wanderingstar/WS1.html and lay your money down. If you can resist, go to http://www.teriwood.com/wanderingstar/WS2.html and with a few clicks and an hour of your time you can read the first four issues of the series in their entirety . . . at which point you should be overwhelmed with guilt, since you've just enjoyed all of that great work for free, and then you can go back and buy the entire series. Deal? Okay.
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Hidys --
(blushes) Thanks so much for the plug! That was very kind of you and made my day today.
And I'll be sending out your CD this Wednesday.
All my best wishes,
Thanks, Teri Sue Wood. Stop in again some time!
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