Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Old Friends

Again, Half-Price Books.

Walking about.

Saw this.

I know, shitty picture. 1

It's The Jonah Man by Henry Carlisle.

Take me back . . . do doot DOOT do, take me back.
Take me back . . . do doot DOOT do, take me back.

Matthew Thompson, Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. A great friend. Wish I hadn't lost touch with him.

ANYway, he told me about The Jonah Man. And I read it, and it blew me away. So I read his Voyage to the First of December, which also blew me away. Unfortunately I didn't get any further than that (oh, what's that shiny thing over there? syndrome, perhaps), but I surely did love those books. And The Jonah Man was one of my earliest Amazon purchases, mmm-hmm. So seeing it on the stands at Half-Price was like walking into a toll house cookie draft. You feel me? 

That's all.

Just sayin'.

1  Sorry. Combination of bad camera and shaky hands. I'm thinking hard on whether or not to get a smart phone. I mostly don't want to, but I am beginning to see some advantages. Any advice?

2  Yet another casualty of The Mental Illness Years. I've tried many times since to find him OUT THERE, but haven't had any success at it. So if you cross paths with him (Matthew H. Thompson, straight outta Leonardo, New Jersey), hollah back, okay?

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