Saturday, May 13, 2017

That's So Burlington

Breaking News: there's a video story on the Burlington Free Press website ( entitled  "That's So Burlington: A little bluegrass in the Green Mountain State" which features my favorite fiddle player of all time, Jimmy Kalb.

Quite a nice li'l piece, with some superb fiddling, of course. 

As I was searching for a way to download the video (unsuccessfully, so you know what to do)--because I know from personal experience that these stories sometimes disappear forever 1 , I happened across a posting of a link to the story which included this lead in comment:

"WARNING: You may experience involuntary foot tapping, the urge to give a yip, whistle, etc., so be careful if you are watching this at work."

Hells yeah.

Check it out. It's worth a Google.

1 A local news channel did a piece on Tattoo Charlie's Last Day on Berry Blvd wherein I was in the chair getting my 1/2 koi, 1/2 dragon tattoo colored in. So my left arm was famous for a minute. But for some reason the video went away. So now I'm not even a little bit famous. 

Wish I had downloaded THAT video.

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