Sunday, May 28, 2017


This is quite an amazing book. The kind you really want to & should own, because if you stopped to write down all of the stuff that you found striking, you end up pretty much copying the whole fucking book. So I've been holding off on writing things down, figuring that at some point in the near near I will purchase it. But I couldn't not write this bit down.

Between the Donkey and the Horse

WHEN THE WILD horse was taken captive, he felt violent anger mixed with despair. He persisted in a state of rage and revolt, and none of those who had captured him could break him. While this was happening, a wild donkey who had just been captured was brought into the stable. He was completely calm. The donkey observed the horse's rebelliousness and rash anger. Surprised, he asked him, "Why so much rebelliousness, my friend? The matter is much more simple than you imagine." The horse looked at him with disdain and replied, "The matter is simple for those who accept servility and humiliation."

It reminds me of so many things . . . but especially of Jacqueline. She is so feisty, so unwilling to compromise, that at times I want to bang my head against the wall. But in truth, it's because she knows that most rules are bullshit, and most authority is illusory. If you pay attention to the man behind the curtain, you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want to do.

Isn't that how we ended up with Chester Cheetah in The White House?

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