Monday, April 17, 2017

Nick Harper Fans: Did you know about this? ♫ Skald - Rev Hammer. Listen @cdbaby If you did, why didn't you tell me? I just now found out. Shit, man. Don't bogart that joint!

♫ Skald - Rev Hammer. Listen @cdbaby: Click to listen at CDBaby
Just found this on Spotify
and I was very happy.

I went to crybaby to have a look at the Real Thing & 
was happy again, because they had a link code to officially enable me to put it onto my blog.

There are a total of 11 songs on the album, the first ten of which are noted as "featuring Nick Harper."

1. Apple / This Time 
2. Happy Father's Day 
3. Corncrake 
4. St. John 
5. Ready and Waiting
6. Long Way Down 
7. Saline 
8. Nose Dive
9. Flight of Fancy
10. This Is the Love

11. Skald

And if that's not enough for you Harpernauts out there, then get this: 

Produced and engineered by Nick Harper.
Nick Harper backing vocals, guitars, percussion

Isn't that a tasty dish to sit before?

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