Friday, April 14, 2017

Taylorman Returns

I really enjoyed Injustice in the early days: Injustice: Gods Among Us Chapters #1 – #36 & Annual,  Injustice: Year Two Chapters #1 – #24 & Annual, and Injustice: Year Three Chapters #1 – #14.  Then in Year Three Chapter #15 Brian Buccellato appeared. At first I was happy. I had really enjoyed Buccellato's work on Detective Comics, and the story in Injustice was so good that I didn't think anybody could screw it up.

But I was wrong.

I was wrong.

I was real wrong.

Injustice turned to shit almost immediately. It was like watching King Midas at work. But in reverse. So to speak.

But that's the way it goes in the world of corporate comic books, right? Creators come and go, and sometimes things get better and sometimes they don't. Look what happened to Daredevil when Frank Miller came along. And look what happened to it when he left. And look what happened when Brian Bendis came along. Etcetera.

But then I heard that Tom Taylor was returning to the story with Injustice 2. I was suspicious, but when the first chapter popped up on Comixology it was only 99¢, and I was Taylor-Curious, so . . . I bought it last night. 

Read it right away. Which, unfortunately, didn't take very long. So I read it again. Oh, yeah. I like it.

Tom Taylor is back, for sure. Superman imprisoned, Harley Quinn teaming up with Batman, Deadshot, some major characters killed (as in permanently), and the last panel appearance of you know who . . . not to mention several bits of actual humor of the made me laugh kind . . . oh, yeah. Hells yeah.

It's a shame that the regular comic books are too timid to move stories along like this. I would have to buy a hell of a lot more of them if they didn't always play it safe, you know?

Anyway . . . 

I'm ready for Chapter 2. Which, fortunately, comes out next week. I like this weekly comics thing, too. Mm-hmm.

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