So I knocked down two doubles and hit the door.
Barnes & Noble. I call it Barnes, though. There's nothing noble about the place. I go there because they have what I need, not what I want.
I started going through the usual suspects when it hit me: just any vinyl wouldn't do. I needed some jazz, man. I needed it bad.
Barnes didn't have a whole lot of jazz, though. I went through the pile in about a minute before something caught my eye. JAZZ loves DISNEY. Hmmm. I flipped it over and looked at the track listings. The first one caught my eye: Jamie Cullum, “Everybody Wants to Be a Cat,” from The Aristocats. Never heard of this Cullum fellow, but I could live with that. Then my eye slipped down and caught track 10: Melody Gardot & Raphaël Gualazzi, “The Bare Necessities,” from The Jungle Book. Now we were talking. I didn't know either of these G-men, but Gardot rhymed with Bardot, and that was good enough for me.
I flipped the album over to get a gander at the price . . . and caught my breath. $25? What the fuck was this, a scam? Sheesh. I slammed it back down and commenced to flipping through the Miles Davis sides. $25 my ass.
And that's when things got freaky. Really freaky. I heard a piano, some horns, some scatting . . . what a minute, I know that tune . . . . Holy shit! "Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities . . . . " What kind of game was this?
I looked around. The clerk was nowhere near me. The song played on.
Fucking glitch in the matrix.
I was going to write it up in The Coincidence Journal, but fuck, nobody's ever impressed by that shit, so why bother?
But I left Barnes in a hurry and went back to the office and had a couple more doubles.
Your subconscious is playing the 'Create you own reality" game at level: EXPERT
Ha ha. I tell ya, man, it's pretty fucking freaky sometimes. I mean, it's like CONstant. If only there were a way to make money off of this.
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