Friday, March 24, 2017

Ted Slampyak's Jazz Age Chronicles

I first happened upon Ted Slampyak's Jazz Age Chronicles when I was living in South Bend, Indiana in 1989. It was a magazine-sized comic book produced by  EF Graphics . . . a company which, so far as I can tell, produced only four comic books: the first three issues of Jazz Age Chronicles and one issue of Cat & Mouse). I hadn't quite hit my noir fascination age at that point, but something about that comic book caught my attention, and I was disappointed when I couldn't find any more issues after the second one. 

It took me years to catch up with that comic book . . . but I finally managed to get the rest of the story when I bought the two volumes collecting the whole nine issue she-bang in October 2013. Can't remember how much I paid for those two volumes . . . probably $15 apiece or so. And it was totally worth it. But the reason I mention it is because if you ACT NOW you have the opportunity to enrich your life with 167  + 119 = 286 pages of Jazz for a mere $3.99 + $3.99 = $7.98 from Comixology. One look at the preview pages ought to be enough to make that money leap from your pocket, but if you need more encouragement, take a look at the cover photo on Ted's Facebook page. It is super-fab.

These sales don't usually last long, though, so stop thinking about it and do it do it do it do it now.

And you might as well pick up some Little Orphan Annie while you're at it. (Ted S. did the art on that comic strip revival, and there are two volumes available on Comixology . . . $2.99 apiece. And worth it. I've got mine . . . and I paid more than $2.99 each for them and have no regerts.)

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