Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Slamming Doors

Jacqueline is about to turn 25. Which is quite a holy shit moment for me. Not so much for her, as she doesn't really think about such things very much. It's easy to buy presents for Jacqueline; in fact, I seriously think that I could walk into any store--hardware, appliances, knitting supplies, you name it--and find something that she would really like. But I'd like to get her something that would surprise and delight her, and that is no mean feat.

She asked me to get her a St. Lucy statue from the church supply store. Or, I should say, another St. Lucy statue, as I've already bought her two. And a couple of St. Lucy books. And an Andrea Bocelli album on which he sings "Santa Lucia." (She plays that song every day, and sings along, even though Andrea sings in Italian.) And of course I'll get her the statue, but I started thinking about St. Lucy and songs and went looking on Amazon and iTunes, and found a dozen St. Lucy songs, which I thought would make for a nice St. Lucy album for her.

I've done similar albums for X2: The Clare (of course I titled that one Planet Clare)  and The Last Girlfriend: Patricia. Neither one of them appreciated the effort very much, so I may be barking up the wrong tree by having another go at the concept, but hey, that's what I do. In fact, my Indian name is Barks Up Wrong Tree. 

The St. Lucy songs I found present quite a diverse set of sounds: folksy, traditional Spanish, Norwegian-y, whiny-ass emo, etc. The baker's dozenth song wasn't really a St. Lucy, but (1) it was Lucy, so close and (2) it was a really cool little song.

It's by a group called The Slamming Doors. Starts with a nice bass line and drums, then some piano, then the voice. "And Lucy lets the water soak through her dress, she dances in the lake. And Lucy, when your legs get tired come to me, I'll carry you home. I love you, girl, but that ain't nothing new." Very nice. In fact, I liked it so much that I let The Slamming Doors "videos" (there should be a word for a song on YouTube that just uses a still picture, since that's slightly more than an audio track but certainly not a video) continue to play for several songs, then went back and listened to "Lucy" a few more times. Yeah, I like this song. 

Here's the thing, though: when I found it, the stillio had 0 views. What the fuck? I know there's a lot of stuff out there, but for the love of Mike, this is good shit. So I thought I'd at least try to promote it. 

So if you've got 3:22 to spare, go to You Tube and search for "Lucy" by The Slamming Doors. And if you don't have 3:22, then I'm envious, but just listen to half of it. And if you haven't got a half penny, God bless you. But I'm pretty sure that you'll like it. Maybe want to listen to a few more of their tunes. Maybe give them a like or two. Maybe go to Amazon and buy a little something something. 

Okay. Got to get back to the birthday album. More news as it happens.

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