Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thank You For Not Being An Asshole

I was getting a dose of CNN yesterday when I happened upon the familiar face of Kayley McEnany. I have seen & heard Ms. McEnany on several occasions, and have never found her views anything less than annoying, and usually downright offensive. This time around she was facing off against Amanda Carpenter, who had written an article for Cosmopolitan entitled "Ivanka Trump's White House Gig Is an Insult to Working Women," and subtitled "There's a word for this: nepotism." 1  

This should have been a slam dunk for me, since (1) I despise President Trump and think that he is so crooked that he makes Richard Nixon look like a candidate for sainthood, (2) I don't think there is a single person in the Trump administration who deserves the job s/he has been given, and (3) I am outraged at the way rich people throw their weight around. 

However . . . 

As Ms. McEnany began to speak, Ms. Carpenter immediately began to interrupt her, began making hideous faces and chortling, and was just so downright rude that it made me dislike her immensely. And Ms. McEnany remained poised, repeatedly asked Carpenter to allow her to speak, and overall conducted herself like a civilized person.

I still agree with Carpenter's point and do not believe that Ivanka Trump has any business in The White House. But I was convinced of that before I even knew there was an argument. Imagine someone who was not sure what s/he thought about the issue. The demeanor of Ms. Carpenter could very well sway that person to Ms. McEnan'sy perspective.

And that's just a damned shame. Time for some civility, Liberals (& Radicals, etc.). You don't win a battle by out assholing your opponent.

For fuck's sake.

1 If you need to, you can read it online as 

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